s9e Media Sites

Add-ons s9e Media Sites 2.15.7

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Q: How can I request a new site to be added?
A: New additions are focused on popular and trending sites. If you know of a particularly popular site whose content can be embedded, you can inquire about it in the discussion thread. Don't forget to include an example of a URL whose content can be embedded. Alternatively, you may start a conversation with me if you want to sponsor the addition of a site. Otherwise, you can always create new media sites for yourself using XenForo's BB code media site manager. This is a default XenForo feature that requires no add-on.

Q: Does this add-on replace the default media sites?
A: Yes, it replaces several of XenForo 2.0 media sites such as Twitter or YouTube. The new versions of those media sites are backward compatible, with the exception of Tumblr posts which may need to be re-embedded to work.

Q: Are the embeds responsive and how can I change their size?
A: All the embeds are responsive and will scale down with the screen size. Most video players are limited to 640 × 360 to avoid taking up the entire screen on desktop browsers. You can change their size in CSS. For instance, if you want YouTube videos to be displayed in 1280 × 720 you can add the following to your extra.less template(s):
[data-s9e-mediaembed="youtube"] { width: 1280px !important; }
If you prefer all of the videos to take up as much screen as possible, go to the add-on's options and enable the option titled Enable full-width embeds by default.

Q: I don't want to install all of those sites, what can I do?
A: First off, if you're worried about performance, don't be. A hundred of media sites only add a millisecond to the time it takes to send a new post and does not affect any other action such as reading a thread. With that said, you can permanently disable a media site in your admin panel, in the Content section under BB code media sites.

Q: Why do links to Amazon disappear and how can I stop it?
A: Some adblockers silently remove all content from Amazon (not just ads) leaving nothing but an empty space. Obviously there is no way to bypass those adblockers apart from asking users to selectively disable them on your forums. This add-on provides a couple of workarounds to mitigate the effects of overbroad adblockers on unsuspecting users. The first is to enable the option labeled "Add a link to Amazon product embeds" available in the add-on's options or by searching for "Amazon" in the admin search box. The other is to edit the Amazon media site and enable the option labeled "Do not auto-embed links from this site". It will keep Amazon URLs as text but it will also let users embed them as media if they so choose.

Q: There used to be an option to speed up threads with many videos, where did it go?
A: The add-on is designed to defer loading embeds until they are displayed on screen. This is generally referred to as lazy loading and it is turned on by default.
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